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Cancellation policy for Customers

Customers can receive a full refund if you cancel any confirmed booking at least 72 hours before the rental is scheduled to start or before the exchange (whichever is earlier).

Customers are entitled to a full refund without penalty for any cancellation of unconfirmed bookings.


Customers can reschedule the dates of your rental period at least 72 hours before rental is scheduled to start or before the exchange (whichever is earlier). The process is the same as cancelling and booking a new asset. Availability is subject to the availability calendar of the Asset Owner.

Late cancellations

Customers will need to refer to the Late Cancellation Fee Policy set by the Asset Owners for each listing.

No shows

If the customer does not show up at the exchange at the agreed time or within 30 minutes of the agreed time, does not communicate with the Asset Owner about being late or cancelling, the Customer will bear a penalty equivalent to 100% of the reservation fee.

Failed to complete payment

When a Customer makes a booking request, Onthelease system will validate your payment method by placing an authorised hold, which is equivalent to the amount of the security deposit. If it succeeds, your booking request will be processed. If not, you authorise Onthelease to cancel the booking request on your behalf and you will be notified in regards to this unsuccessful booking due to failure to complete payment.

Cancellations related to identification

Some assets require a certain license to qualify for confirmed bookings. If the Customer fails to provide such required information, the entire reservation will be canceled and fully refunded when there is another Customer who can provide such required information trying to make a reservation.

Cancellations related to weather

If weather creates a safety concern, either before or during the rental, the Asset Owner may cancel the reservation. If this happens, the Customer will be fully refunded.

Cancellations related to an emergency

Refer to the extenuating circumstances policy if you need to cancel your reservation because of an emergency. You may be asked to provide supporting documentation.

Cancellation policy for Asset Owners

Cancellations can disrupt Customers’ future plans and affects the overall rating of the Asset Owner.  Once a cancellation is made, it may take up to 24 hours to reflect in your calendar.

If Onthelease team discovers a pattern of frequent cancellations and/ or no shows without a reasonable explanation to support, the Asset Owner may result in removal of listing, account suspension or permanent termination. In addition, penalties may apply and you will be notified.

Frequent cancellation and no shows are actions that violate our Terms of Service. Asset Owners may result in account suspension or permanent termination.

All unconfirmed bookings cancelled by Customers may take 24 hours to reflect in your availability calendar.

Cancellations related to weather

If your asset is not safe to operate outdoors, you may cancel if weather conditions create an unsafe environment for your Customer, you may cancel without any penalties. However, the Onthelease team may reach out to you for documentation to verify weather-related claims.

Emergencies or safety issues

We understand that emergencies happen. No penalties will apply for cancellations under the Extenuating Circumstance Policy, or for cancellations made for valid safety reasons.

Re-booking on a different date or time

If the Asset Owner arranges a different time that your Customers agree to, contact us to let us know after you cancel the reservation. We will verify that your Customers have agreed to this change, and remove any penalty that was applied.


No bookings will be processed while your account is under any type of investigation. However, existing booking will not be interrupted.