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By leasing your items on Onthelease, you agree to abide by our terms and policies, including our Terms of Service, which we reserve the right to invoke at our sole discretion. One’s account may result in suspension or permanent deactivation should we discover repeated or severe violations.

In order to protect our community and business, the following behaviour is prohibited:

1. Requesting customers for their feedback outside of the Onthelease platform

Requesting for Customers to review you or your listing outside of  Onthelease platform does not just take away valuable input about a Customer’s reservation from Onthelease’s platform but also from its community. We want Customers to share their honest feedback directly on Onthelease platform so that other members may benefit from it and help them make their reservations carefully. This includes:

  1. Requesting Customers to review an Onthelease reservation on a website outside of the Onthelease website, or taking reviews from Onthelease and posting them on another website that is not Onthelease.
  2. Requesting Customers to fill out a survey regarding an Onthelease reservation via a website that is not Onthelease or form that was not created by Onthelease.

2. Requesting Customers for contact information prior to booking

All communications between Asset Owners and Customers prior to booking should be done via Onthelease platform. Onthelease prohibits Asset Owners to ask Customers for contact information prior to booking. This includes:

  1. Requesting Customers for their phone number or email address prior to booking
  2. Requesting Customers to call or email in order to discuss a reservation prior to booking (For example: offering a bigger discount for booking directly over the phone).
  3. Requesting Customers to go to a third-party website that is not Onthelease or fill out a form in order to make a booking

Requesting Customers for contact information after a booking or misusing contact information provided by Onthelease

This includes requesting for or using contact information for any reasons unrelated to a Customer’s reservation, or in a way that compensates the quality of a Customer’s reservation. Customers should be able to communicate directly with Asset Owners about their reservations through Onthelease platform or via phone calls and texts if mutually agreed to exchange such information. Members should avoid seeking for additional contact information (email address, residential address) unless needed for legal or compliance reasons (such as local laws). This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Requesting Customers for an email address for the purpose of their Onthelease reservation and then subscribing them to marketing materials
  2. Requesting Customers to move the conversation to texts or emails in order to bypass Onthelease’s platform or Settlement Centre
  3. Requesting Customers for contact information after a booking in order to run background checks or to allow them to contact for future bookings directly to you and not via the Onthelease platform
  4. Requesting Customers to send photos of their government ID prior to arrival

Customers should have the option to opt-out of receiving marketing materials and unwanted contacts.

Requesting Customers to create a separate account or install a third-party app in order to access their listing

Customers booking through Onthelease should be able to access their listing using only the Onthelease website or app. Unless legally required or for compliance reasons (such as local laws), any additional registration or installation of additional apps should not be mandatory. In such cases, Asset Owners must include this in their listing description, so Customers understand the existence of this additional step is a requirement prior to booking.

This includes:

  1. Requesting Customers to create a separate account or register on another website besides Onthelease.com
  2. Requesting Customers to install a third-party app to access a listing (only if the third-party app has passed our security vetting)

Encouraging Customers to rent additional asset and charge extra payment in person

All assets available for rental must be listed on the Onthelease platform and all transactions must be made  via our system. Asset Owners cannot encourage Customers to rent additional asset(s) and request for additional payment off the platform during the exchange if the asset(s) are not listed on the platform.

For other additional payments, such as additional equipment required for one time use, Asset Owners can request such payments to Customers via our Settlement Centre.