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This Policy - Payments Terms of Service is a binding legal agreement between Members and Onthelease Payments that govern the Payment Services (defined below) conducted via or in connection with the Onthelease Platform. When these Payments Terms mention “Onthelease Payments,” “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to the Onthelease Payments company that you are contracting with for Payment Services.

  • Collecting payments from Customers (“Pay-in”), by charging the payment method associated with their Onthelease account, such as a bank account, a debit card, a credit card, or a PayPal account (collectively “Payment Method”);
  • Effecting payments to Asset Owners (“Pay-out”) to a financial instrument associated with their Onthelease account, such as a bank account, a prepaid card, a debit card, or a PayPal account (collectively “Payout Method”);
  • Effecting payments to a third-party Payout Method designated by an Asset Owner;
  • Collection and payment of charitable donations;
  • Payment collection services; and
  • Other payment related services in connection with Asset Owner Services.

In order to use the Payment Services, you must be at least 18 years of age, must have an Onthelease account in good standing in accordance with the Onthelease Terms of Service (“Terms”), and must ensure your payment and personal information are accurate and complete.

The Terms separately govern your use of the Onthelease Platform. If you see an undefined term in these Payment Terms, it has the same definition as in the Terms.

Table of Contents

  1. Your use of the Payment Services
  2. Customer Terms
  3. Asset Owner Terms
  4. Appointment of Onthelease Payments as Limited Payment Collection Agent
  5. General Terms
  6. Damage Claims and Security Deposits
  7. Abandoned Property
  8. Prohibited Activities
  9. Force Majeure
  10. Disclaimers
  11. Liability
  12. Indemnification
  13. Modification, Term, Termination, and other Measures
  14. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
  15. Miscellaneous
  16.  Contacting Onthelease Payments

1. Your use of the Payment Services

1.1 Onthelease Payment Services

By using the Payments Services, you confirm that you have read and understood the details of these terms and that you agree to comply with these Payments Terms. In order to allow Onthelease Payments to maintain and ensure the proper functioning of Payment Services, your access to the Payment Services or its features may be temporarily limited or suspended. Onthelease Payments may enhance, improve, and change the Payment Services and introduce new Payment Services from time to time. Should there be any changes to the Payment Services, Onthelease Payments will provide notice to Members, unless such changes do not materially increase the contractual obligations of the Members or decrease the rights of the Members under these Payments Terms.

1.2 Third Party Services

The Payment Services may contain links to third-party websites or resources (“Third-Party Services”). Members should be aware that such Third-Party Services are subject to different terms of service and privacy policies, and Members should review and understand them. Onthelease Payments will not be held responsible or liable for such usage of Third-Party Services. Links to any Third-Party Services are not an endorsement by Onthelease Payments of those Third-Party Services.

1.3 Your Onthelease Account

Onthelease Payments may enable features that allow you to give authorisation to other Members or third parties to perform certain actions that affect your Onthelease account. You may authorise a third party to make use of your Onthelease account if the feature is enabled for your Onthelease account. You accept and agree that anyone you authorise to make use of your Onthelease account may use the Payment Services on your behalf and that you will be responsible for any payments made by such person you authorise.

1.4 Verification

You authorise Onthelease Payments, directly or through third parties, to enquire any required information we consider necessary to verify your identity. This may include but not limited to (i) validating your information against third-party databases or other sources, (ii) seeking for reports from service providers, (iii) requesting you to provide a form of government identification (such as, driver’s license or passport), your residential address, your date of birth, and other necessary information; or (iv) requiring you to take certain procedures to verify ownership of your email address, Payment Method(s) or Payout Method(s). If Onthelease Payments is unable to obtain or verify any of the required information, we reserve the right to terminate, suspend, or limit your access to the Payment Services.

1.5 Additional Terms

Additional terms and conditions may apply or may require you to accept them when you access or make use of certain Payment Services. In the event where there is a conflict between these Payments Terms and terms and conditions applicable to a specific Payment Service, the latter terms and conditions will take precedence with respect to your use of or access to that Payment Service, unless specified otherwise.

2. Customer Terms

2.1 Adding a Payment Method

When adding a Payment Method to your Onthelease account, you will be asked to provide billing information such as full name, billing address, and information of the financial instrument either to Onthelease Payments or its third-party payment processor(s). By doing so, you authorise Onthelease Payments and its payment service providers to collect and store your Payment Method information.

2.2 Payment Method Verification

When a new Payment Method is added, Onthelease Payments may verify the Payment Method by (i) authorising your Payment Method for one or two nominal amounts via a payment service provider, and asking you to confirm those amounts, or (ii) you may be required to upload a billing statement. We may, and retain the right to, initiate refunds of these amounts from your Payment Method. When a Payment Method is added during checkout, it will automatically be saved and that Payment Method will be added to your Onthelease account to make it convenient for a future transaction. You can remove the Payment Method from your Onthelease account as long as it is not associated with an active or future reservation.

2.3 Payment Authorization

You allow Onthelease Payments to charge your Payment Method (this may include charging more than one payment method), either directly or indirectly, for all fees that are due (including any applicable taxes) in connection with your Onthelease account.

2.4 Booking Request Status

For all declined bookings, whether the reason is because the Asset Owner did not accept it or the Customer cancelled it before it was accepted, any amounts collected by Onthelease Payments will be refunded to you, and any pre-authorisation of Payment Method you have selected will be released (if applicable). The timing to receive the refund or for the pre-authorisation to be released will vary depending on the Payment Method and any applicable rules of the payment system (such as, Visa, MasterCard, etc.).

When a Customer makes a booking request, Onthelease system will validate your payment method by charging the full amount including security deposit. If it succeeds, your booking request will be processed. If not, you authorise Onthelease to cancel the booking request on your behalf and you will be notified in regards to this unsuccessful booking due to failure to complete payment.

2.5 Payment Restrictions

Onthelease Payments reserves the right to decline or limit payments that we believe (i) may violate the risk management policies or procedures of Onthelease Payments, (ii) may violate these Payments Terms or the Terms, (iii) are unauthorised, fraudulent or illegal; or (iv) expose you, Onthelease, Onthelease Payments, or others to potential risks that are unacceptable to Onthelease Payments.

2.6 Payment Service Providers

Payment Methods may involve the use of third-party payment service providers and additional fees may apply when processing payments in connection with the Payment Services. Onthelease Payments will not be held responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. There may also be additional terms of use for the Payment Method of your choice, which you should review and understand prior to using the Payment Method.

2.7 You are responsible for the Payment Method you select

Onthelease Payments will not be held responsible for any loss you suffered as a result of incorrect Payment Method information provided by you.

3. Asset Owner Terms

3.1 Payment Collection

In general, the Total Price of a booking is collected by Onthelease Payments at the time when the booking request of the Customer is accepted by the Asset Owner, unless noted otherwise.

3.2 Adding a Payout Method

You must have a valid Payout Method linked to your Onthelease account to receive a Payout. When adding a Payout Method to your Onthelease account, you will be asked to provide billing information such as full name, government identification (such as, driver’s license or passport), tax ID, billing address, and information of the financial instrument either to Onthelease Payments or its third-party payment processor(s). Depending on the Payout Method you select, additional information may be required, such as: residential address, full name as displayed on the account, account number, branch number, account type, account number, email address, payout currency, identification number and account information associated with a particular payment processor. You authorise Onthelease Payments to collect and store your billing information and information of the financial instrument. Onthelease Payments may also share your information with governmental authorities as required by applicable law.

3.3 Timing of Payout

Subject to and conditional upon successful receipt of the payments from Customer, Onthelease Payments will generally initiate Payouts to your selected Payout Method 24-48 working hours after the exchange.

3.4 Payout

Your Payout for a booking will be the Total Price less applicable fees such as Onthelease service fees and applicable taxes. In case of any cancellation of confirmed bookings, Onthelease Payments will remit the amount you are due (if any) as provided in the Terms and applicable cancellation policy.

3.5 Payout Restrictions

In order to prevent unlawful activities or frauds, to conduct risk assessment, ensure security, or to complete an investigation; or if Onthelease Payments is unable to verify your identity, we may temporarily place a hold, suspend, or cancel any Payout. Furthermore, Onthelease Payments may temporarily place a hold on, suspend, or delay initiating or processing any Payout due to you under the Terms due to a high volume of booking cancellations or modifications caused by a Force Majeure Event (as defined below).

3.6 Payment Service Providers

Payout Methods may involve the use of third-party payment service providers and additional fees may apply when processing Payouts in connection with the Payment Services (this includes deducting charges from the Payout amount). Onthelease Payments will not be held responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. There may also be additional terms of use depending on the Payout Method you select, you should review and understand them prior to using your Payout Method.

3.7 Handling of Funds

To the extent as permitted under applicable laws, Onthelease Payments may combine amounts that it collects from Customers and invest them. Onthelease Payments will retain any interest it earns on those investments.

3.8 You are responsible for the Payout Method you select

Onthelease Payments will not be held responsible for any loss suffered by you as a result of incorrect Payout Method information provided by you.

4. Appointment of Onthelease Payments as Limited Payment Collection Agent

4.1 Each Asset Owner, including each team member of an Asset Owner, hereby appoints Onthelease Payments as the payment collection agent of the Asset Owner solely for the limited purpose of accepting and processing funds from Customers purchasing Asset Owner Services on behalf of the Asset Owner.

4.2 Each Asset Owner, including each team member of an Asset Owner,, agrees that payment made by a Customer through Onthelease Payments, shall be considered the same as a payment made directly from the Customer to the Asset Owner, and the Asset Owner will provide the Asset Owner Service booked by the Customer in the agreed-upon manner as if the Asset Owner has received the payment directly from the Customer. Each Asset Owner agrees that Onthelease Payments may refund the Customer in accordance with the Terms. Each Asset Owner understands that the obligation of Onthelease Payments to pay the Asset Owner is subject to and conditional upon successful receipt of the associated payments from the Customer. Onthelease Payments guarantees payments to Asset Owner(s) only for such amounts that have been successfully received by Onthelease Payments from Customers in accordance with these Payments Terms. In accepting appointment as the limited payment collection agent of the Asset Owner, Onthelease Payments assumes no liability for any acts or omissions of the Asset Owner.

4.3 Each Customer understands and agrees that, notwithstanding the fact that Onthelease Payments is not a party involved in the agreement between you and the Asset Owner(s), including each team member of the Asset Owner, Onthelease Payments acts the payment collection agent of Asset Owner for the limited purpose of accepting payments from you on behalf of the Asset Owner(s). Upon the payment of funds from a Customer to Onthelease Payments, the payment obligation of the Customer to the Asset Owner(s) for the agreed upon amount is extinguished, and the responsibility of Onthelease Payments is to remit the funds successfully received by Onthelease Payments to the Asset Owner(s) in the manner described in these Payments Terms. In case Onthelease Payments does not remit any of such amounts, the Asset Owner(s) will have to resort to only Onthelease Payments for further understanding and not the Customer directly.

5. General Terms

5.1 Fees

Onthelease Payments may charge fees to you for using certain Payment Services and you will be notified in regards to any applicable fees in the Terms or through the Onthelease Platform.

5.2 Payment Authorisations

You authorise Onthelease Payments to collect from you amounts due pursuant to these Payment Terms and/or the Terms by either (i) charging the Payment Method associated with the relevant booking, or any other Payment Method on file that you authorise in your Onthelease account (unless you have previously removed the authorisation to charge such Payment Method(s)), or (ii) by withholding the amount from your future Payout. Specifically, you authorise Onthelease Payments to collect from you:

  • Any amount due to Onthelease or Onthelease Payments (for example, as a result of your bookings, booking modifications, cancellations, or other actions as a Customer, Asset Owner or Member of the Onthelease Platform), including reimbursement for costs prepaid by Onthelease or Onthelease Payments on your behalf. Any funds collected by Onthelease Payments will set off the amount owed by you to Onthelease or Onthelease Payments and extinguish your obligation to Onthelease or Onthelease Payments.
  • Any amount due from a Customer to an Asset Owner which Onthelease collects as the payment collection agent of the Asset Owner is as further set out in Section 4 above.
  • Taxes, where applicable and as set out in the Terms.
  • Any amount you pay through the Settlement Center in connection with your Onthelease account.
  • Overdue penalties payable under the Terms. This includes any cost and expenses incurred when collecting the overdue penalty.
  • Any service fees or cancellation fees imposed pursuant to the Terms (e.g., if, as an Asset Owner, you cancel a confirmed booking).
  • Any amounts already paid to you as an Asset Owner despite a Customer cancelling a confirmed booking or Onthelease deciding that it is necessary to cancel a booking in accordance with the Terms, Customer Refund Policy, Extenuating Circumstances Policy, or other applicable cancellation policy. You agree that in case you have already been paid, Onthelease Payments will be entitled to recover the amount of any such Customer refund from you. This includes by subtracting such refund amount out from any future Payouts due to you.

In addition to any amount due as stated above, if there are overdue amounts or chargebacks associated with your Payment Method, you may incur fees that are incidental to Onthelease Payments collection of these overdue amounts and chargebacks. Such fees or charges may include collection fees, convenience fees or other third-party charges.

5.3 Collections

5.3.1 If Onthelease Payments is unable to collect any amounts you owe under these Payments Terms, Onthelease Payments may engage in collection efforts to recover such amounts from you.

5.3.2 You hereby explicitly agree that all communications in relation to amounts owed will be conducted via electronic mail or by phone, as provided to Onthelease and/or Onthelease Payments by you. Such communications may be conducted by Onthelease, Onthelease Payments, or by anyone on our behalf, including but not limited to a third-party collection agent.

5.4 Payment Processing Errors

5.4.1 Onthelease Payments will take the necessary procedures to rectify any payment processing errors that we become aware of. These procedures may include crediting or debiting (as appropriate) the original Payout Method or Payment Method used or selected by yourself, to allow the correct amount to be received or paid. This may be performed by Onthelease Payments or a third party like your financial institution. We may also take procedures to recover funds sent to you in error (including but not limited to duplicated payments sent to you due to a payment processing error), by reducing, setting off and/or debiting the amount of such funds from any future Payouts owed to you.

5.4.2 You agree to immediately return any funds that were sent to you by error to Onthelease Payments.

5.5 Refunds

5.5.1 Any refunds or credits due to a Member pursuant to the Terms, Extenuating Circumstances Policy, Customer Refund Policy, and Experiences Customer Refund Policy will be initiated and remitted by Onthelease Payments in accordance with these Payments Terms.

5.5.2 Subject to this Section 5.5.2, Onthelease Payments will process refunds immediately, however, depending on the rules of the Payment Method on file and any applicable payment system (e.g., Visa, Mastercard, etc.), the timing to receive any refund will vary. In case of a Force Majeure Event that may affect the processing and settlement of refunds, Onthelease Payments will initiate and process the refund as soon as possible.

6. Damage Claims and Security Deposits

6.1 If you as a Customer (i) agree to pay the Asset Owner in connection with a Damage Claim, or (ii) Onthelease determines that you are responsible for any damages of an Asset pursuant to the Terms, you authorise Onthelease Payments to charge the Payment Method used to make the booking in order to collect any security deposit associated with the Asset, as well as any fees, costs and/or expenses associated with the Damage Claim. You agree that Onthelease Payments may charge any other Payment Method on file in your Onthelease account at the time of the Damage Claim (unless you have previously removed the authorization to charge such Payment Method(s)), if Onthelease Payments is unable to collect from the Payment Method you used to make the booking.

6.2 You agree that Onthelease Payments may seek to recover from you under any insurance policies you maintain and that Onthelease Payments may also pursue against you any available remedies it may have, including but not limited to, in relation to any payment requests made by Asset Owners under the Security Deposit.

7. Abandoned Property

If Onthelease Payments holds funds due to you (for example, because we are unable to issue you a Payout or refund) or you do not hold a valid bank account or credit card for the relevant period of time set forth by your state, country, or other governing body in its unclaimed property laws, we may process the funds due to you in accordance with our legal obligations, including by reporting and escheating (sending) such funds to the appropriate governing body as required by applicable unclaimed property laws.

8. Prohibited Activities

You are solely responsible for your use of the Payment Services in compliance with any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and tax obligations. In connection with your use of the Payment Services, you may not and you agree that you will not and will not assist or enable or encourage others to:

  • breach or bypass any applicable laws or regulations;
  • breach or bypass any agreements with third parties, third-party rights, or the Terms, Policies, or Standards;
  • use the Payment Services for any commercial or other purposes that are not expressly permitted by these Payments Terms;
  • register or use any Payment Method or Payout Method with an Onthelease account that does not belong to you or you do not have authorisation to use;
  • avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, damage, descramble, or otherwise circumvent any technological measure implemented by Onthelease Payments or any providers of Onthelease Payments or any other third party to guard the Payment Services;
  • perform any action that damages or adversely affects, or could damage or adversely affect, the performance or proper functionalities of the Payment Services;
  • attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Payment Services; or
  • violate or infringe anyone else’s rights or otherwise cause harm to anyone.

9.  Unforeseeable circumstances

Onthelease Payments shall not be held liable for any delay or failure to fulfill any obligation under these Payments Terms resulting from causes outside the reasonable control of Onthelease or Onthelease Payments, including, but not limited to, acts of God, natural disasters, fire, floods, accidents, pandemics, epidemics or disease, war, terrorism, riots, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, strikes or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials (“ Unforeseeable circumstances”).

10. Disclaimers

10.1 If you choose to use the Payment Services, you choose to do so voluntarily and it is at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Payment Services are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.

10.2 Notwithstanding the appointment of Onthelease Payments as the limited payment collection agent of Asset Owners pursuant to Section 4, Onthelease Payments explicitly disclaims all liability for any act or omission of any Member or other third party. Onthelease Payments does not have any duties or obligations as agent for each Asset Owner except to the extent expressly set forth in these Payments Terms, and any additional duties or obligations as may be implied by law are, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, expressly excluded.

10.3 If we choose to conduct identity verification on any Member, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim warranties of any kind, either express or implied, that such checks will identify prior misconduct by a Member or guarantee that a Member will not engage in misconduct in the future.

10.4 The foregoing disclaimers apply to the maximum extent permitted by law. You may have other statutory rights or warranties which cannot be lawfully excluded. However, the duration of any statutorily required warranties shall be limited to the maximum extent (if any) permitted by law.

11. Liability

In Australia, Onthelease Payments is liable under statutory provisions for intent and gross negligence by us, our legal representatives, directors, or other vicarious agents. The same applies to the assumption of guarantees or any other strict liability or in case of a culpable injury to life, limb, or health. Onthelease Payments is liable for any negligent breaches of essential contractual obligations by us, our legal representatives, directors, or other vicarious agents; such liability is limited to the typically occurring foreseeable damages. Essential contractual obligations are such duties of Onthelease Payments in whose proper fulfillment you regularly trust and must trust for the proper execution of the contract. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, any additional liability of Onthelease Payments is excluded.

12. Indemnification

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to release, defend (at Onthelease Payments’ option), indemnify, and hold Onthelease Payments and its affiliates and subsidiaries, and their officers, directors, employees, and agents, harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way connected with (i) your breach of these Payments Terms; (ii) your improper use of the Payment Services; (iii) your failure, or our failure at your direction, to accurately report, collect or remit taxes; or (iv) your breach of any laws, regulations, or third-party rights.

13. Modification, Term, Termination, and other Measures

13.1 Modification

Except as otherwise required by applicable law, Onthelease Payments may modify and update these Payments Terms at any time. Should we make any material changes to these Payment Terms, we will post the revised Payment Terms on the Onthelease Platform and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of these Payment Terms. We will also provide you with notice of the modifications in at least one (1) month in advance. If you do not terminate your agreement before the date the revised Payment Terms become effective, this means you accept any changes to the revised Payment Terms by continuing your use of the Payment Services and access to the Onthelease platform.

13.2 Term

This agreement between you and Onthelease Payments reflected by these Payment Terms becomes effective when you create an account on the Onthelease platform or use the Payment Services and remains in effect until either you or we terminate this agreement in accordance with Article 13.3.

13.3 Termination

Members may terminate this agreement at any time by sending us an email or by deleting your Onthelease account. Terminating this agreement will also serve as notice to cancel your Onthelease account pursuant to the Terms. Without limiting our rights specified below, Onthelease Payments may terminate this agreement for convenience at any time by giving you thirty (30) days' notice via email to your registered email address. Onthelease Payments may also terminate this agreement immediately without notice if:

(i) you have materially breached your obligations under this agreement;

(ii) you have provided incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, or fraudulent information;

(iii) you have violated applicable laws, regulations, or third-party rights; or

(iv) Onthelease Payments believes in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to protect other Members, Onthelease, Onthelease Payments, or third parties.

13.4 Suspension and Other Measures

Onthelease Payments may limit or temporarily or permanently suspend your access to or use of the Payment Services:

(i) to comply with applicable law, or the order or request of a court, law enforcement, or other administrative agency or governmental body,

(ii) if you have breached these Payments Terms, the Terms, applicable laws, regulations or third-party rights,

(iii) if you have provided incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, or fraudulent information regarding a Payment Method or Payout Method,

(iv) for any amounts you owe under these Payments Term that are overdue or in default, or

(v) if Onthelease Payments believes in good faith that such action is reasonably necessary to prevent fraud or other illegal activity, or to guard the personal safety or property of Onthelease, its Members, Onthelease Payments, or third parties.

Furthermore, for unsuccessful payment due to card expiration, insufficient funds, or otherwise, Onthelease may temporarily suspend your access to the Payment Services until we can charge a valid Payment Method.

13.5 Appeal

If Onthelease Payments takes any of the measures described in Section 13.3 and 13.4 you may appeal such a decision by contacting our customer service.

13.6 Effect of Termination

If you terminate your Onthelease account as an Asset Owner or Onthelease Payments takes any of the measures described above, Onthelease Payments may provide a full refund to any Customers with confirmed booking(s), and you will not be entitled to any compensation for pending or confirmed bookings that were cancelled. If you cancel your Onthelease account as a Customer, Onthelease Payments will initiate a refund for any confirmed booking(s) based on the Cancellation Policy. You may not register for a new account or attempt to access and use the Payment Services via an Onthelease account of any other Members, if your access to or use of the Payment Services has been suspended or limited or this agreement has been terminated by us.

13.7 Survival

Sections 5 to 16 of these Payments Terms shall survive any termination or expiration of this agreement.

14. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

When you are contracting with Onthelease Payments Australia, the Payments Terms will be governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales, Australia. The parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State and courts of appeal of that State in respect of any proceedings arising out of or in connection with this agreement.

15. Miscellaneous

15.1 Interpreting these Payments Terms

Except as they may be supplemented by additional terms and conditions, policies, guidelines, or standards, these Payments Terms constitute the entire agreement between Onthelease Payments and you regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersede any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between Onthelease Payments and you regarding the Payment Services. If any provision of these Payments Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be struck and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

15.2 No Waiver

Onthelease Payments’ failure to enforce any right or provision in these Payments Terms will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by us in writing. Except as expressly set forth in these Payments Terms, the exercise by either party of any of its remedies under these Payments Terms will be without prejudice to its other remedies under these Payments Terms or otherwise permitted under law.

15.3 Assignment

You may not assign, transfer, or delegate this agreement or your rights and obligations hereunder without prior written consent from Onthelease Payments. Onthelease Payments may without restriction assign, transfer, or delegate this agreement and any rights and obligations, at its sole discretion, with thirty (30) days’ notice in advance.

15.4 Notices

Unless specified otherwise, any notices or other communications permitted or required under this agreement, will be expressed in writing and given by Onthelease Payments through email or Onthelease Platform notification, and depending on your notification setting, messaging service(s) of your choice (including SMS and WeChat). The date of receipt will be deemed the date on which Onthelease Pay

16. Contacting Onthelease Payments

You may contact Onthelease Payments regarding the Payment Services via email payments@Onthelease.com