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Dispute moderation for reviews includes:

  • Moderating for bias
  • Moderating for relevance
  • Moderating for cancelled reservations

As the Onthelease community and listing continue to grow, we remain devoted to updating this policy whenever necessary to help ensure that reviews of our members’ reflect honest experiences.

1. When do reviews get removed by Onthelease team?

We believe that a good review system contains members’ feedback that is honest and genuine. It should present an unbiased picture to help members improve the experience for the next customer or decide if they want to go ahead and make a reservation. Therefore, we consider each removal of review very seriously. Please refer to the Onthelease’s Review Policy in full, but simply put, this means a review will be removed if:

  • The review violates Onthelease’s Content Policy
  • The review contains biased information
  • The review is irrelevant to the actual rental or leasing experience on Onthelease
  • Moderating for bias

2. Extortion

Any attempt to use reviews or review responses to manipulate another person to do something they are not obligated to do is considered a misuse of reviews, and it is prohibited on Onthelease platform.

Members who use Onthelease are not allowed to submit positive reviews in exchange for any promised compensation or threaten to publish negative reviews if the outcome is not as expected. Violations may consequently result in restriction, suspension or termination of your Onthelease account.


3.1 A Customer to contact an Asset Owner with a problem prior to leaving a review.

3.2 An Asset Owner or Customer seeking refunds or additional payment and leaving a review – where that review is not used to threaten to manipulate the outcome of a resolution.

3.3 An Asset Owner asks a Customer to leave an honest review or rating reflecting the actual experience.

3.4 An Asset Owner or Customer to revise a review within the time constraints for revision.


4.1 Customers threatening to use reviews or ratings in an attempt to induce an Asset Owner to provide any sort of compensation such as and not limited to refunds, discounts in rental, or a reciprocal positive review.

4.2 Asset owners require a customer to submit a positive review or rating, or to revise a review in exchange for a partial or full refund, or a reciprocal positive review. Asset Owners also cannot offer a free or discounted rental in exchange for a Customer revising an existing review.

4.3. Asset Owners or Customers asking someone to perform specific actions related to a review in exchange to resolve a dispute.

5. How come reviews can be left for reservations that require Onthelease team to get involved?

When things go wrong with a reservation, Asset Owners and Customers have two options, they may request compensation:

  1. a refund, or
  2. additional fee

Additionally, both parties may also publish a review about their experiences. In order to encourage fair resolution of disputes and nurture a good review system, Asset Owners and Customers must be able to use both of these tools.

For example, we encourage an Asset Owner to share his or her experience via a review about a leasing experience with a Customer.

That being said, if Onthelease determines with evidence one party has attempted to extort the other to manipulate the content of the review, that review will be removed. Also, reviews that violate any of our content policies will be removed – for example, reviews that contain discriminatory content or a violent threat.

6. Conflict of interest

Reviews that show signals that the reservation was made for the sole purpose of boosting one’s overall performance rating, or where we suspect that the rental had never occurred, will be removed.

Accepting fake reservations in exchange for a positive review, creating a second account to review yourself or your own listing, or compensating for positive reviews such as and not limited to giving a refund or discount on rental, are not allowed. Violations may consequently result in the restriction, suspension or termination of your Onthelease account.

7. Competitor reviews

Reviews written by competitors – for example competing businesses or listings – for the purpose of discouraging others from booking those listings is not allowed. Violations may consequently result in the restriction, suspension or termination of your Onthelease account.

8. Moderation for relevance

Reviews provide our members with information and insights that help them make better booking decisions. Reviews are most helpful when reviewers can accurately describe their experience and provide their honest and genuine opinions.

Where a review contains information that is irrelevant to the rental experience, or is focused on something beyond the control of the person being reviewed, the Onthelease team assess and determine the relevance by the following:

  • Does the review describe the reviewer's experience and provide their personal perspective?
  • Is the review helpful to other members of the Onthelease community? Does it provide genuine information about a member, listing or a rental experience that would help other members decide to book the item?

If Onthelease determines that the review is irrelevant, the review will be removed. It is not just reviews that are absolutely irrelevant, but also those that are mostly irrelevant, may also subject to removal by the Onthelease team. This is because we want to maintain a good and healthy review system that helps our members to consider their bookings carefully.

9. Moderating for cancelled reservations

Onthelease allows reviews for any reservation cancelled after 12:00 AM (noon) on the day of rental. This allows us to collect feedback of the rental experience, whether that means feedback about communication, issues with arranging time of collection or exchange, etc.

If you decide to leave a review for a cancelled reservation, we ask that you keep your feedback relevant to what you have personally experienced. Again, if Onthelease determines the review to be irrelevant, it will be removed.