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Onthelease commits to ensure that reviews on Onthelease are useful, informative, and do not expose our community to harm, so that we can build a platform of trust. Therefore, Onthelease expects that all reviews fulfil the following:

1. Reviews should be composed within a period of time

All reviews should be submitted within 14 days after the return of the item.

2. Unbiased reviews

Reviews with unbiased information are the most helpful to other members. Therefore, the following are not allowed:

  • Individuals or entities who own or are affiliated with a listing or experience to post reviews of their business.
  • Competitors posting reviews of their direct competitors.
  • Induce positive reviews, threatening to use negative reviews to manipulate a desired outcome, or to influence another’s review with the promise of compensation such as and not limited to refund, discount on rental fees, etc.
  • Accepting fake reservations in exchange for a positive review, use a second account to write yourself a review, or coordinate with business partners to get positive reviews.

3. Reviews should be relevant

Keep your reviews relevant to Onthelease and your item rental experience. Your reviews are being read by other members to learn about the Asset Owner and listing. Reviews that are off-topic appear to be distracting and not helpful to our members in making their booking decisions. Therefore, reviews should focus on your interactions with other members and your item rental experience.

To keep reviews relevant, we recommend avoiding the following:

  • Any comments about a person’s social, political or religious views
  • Foul language, calling people names, and assumptions about a person’s character or personality
  • Content that refers to circumstances entirely outside of the control of the person being reviewed

A review may be removed from our platform if we receive a report of a review that violates this policy. A pattern of violating this Policy more than once, may consequently result in suspension or permanent deactivation of responsible account(s).

4. Reviews should not violate our content policy

Some contents are never allowed on the Onthelease platform. More details on Onthelease’s Content Policy. 

5. Reporting a review that violates this policy

To report a review for violating Onthelease’s review policy, please contact us at customerservice@onthelease.com.

6. If you feel a review is untrue

Onthelease encourages and expects all members to post reviews that contain objective and accurate information, however Onthelease does not mediate disputes concerning truth or fairness. We expect the author of the review to defend the content of their review.

7. If I disagree with a review, what can I do? Can I respond to it or remove it?

You can publish a response to reviews of your listing or rental experience you have provided, however you do not have the right to remove it as these reviews help to improve future experience and also allows other members to learn about the Asset Owner or Customer and the whole rental experience.

A review will only be removed by Onthelease team if it violates our Review Policy. If you would like to file a dispute about a certain review, email customerservice@onthelease.com.

All responses to any reviews with or without additional information are to be submitted within 30 days from the publish date of the review received. Once a response to a review is published, you can no longer edit or remove it as it will be posted on the platform immediately.

For more information on how we investigate and moderate review disputes, read about Onthelease's Dispute Policy for Reviews.