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By posting content on Onthelease platform, you agree to abide by this policy. We reserve the right to remove any content, in whole or part, that violates this policy, our Terms of Service, our Review Policy, or for any other reason at our sole discretion.

In the event of repeated or severe violations, the member may result in suspension or permanently deactivation of the account(s) in question.

Members can report the content directly to local authorities or contact us to report content that appears to violate this policy.

The following content is prohibited on Onthelease platform:

  • Purely advertising or commercial content, including company names, company logos, or external links
  • Unwanted contact, spam or content that is shared repeatedly in a disturbing manner
  • Discriminating content (refer to our Non-Discrimination Policy for more information)
  • Content that promotes or endorses unlawful or harmful activity, or that is sexually explicit, violent, graphic, threatening, or harassing
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  • Content including private or confidential information of another person, including content that is sufficient to identify the location of a listing

The following are policy violations specific to a type of the content:

  • Listing titles that include information irrelevant to the listing item
  • Listing titles that include symbols or emojis
  • Listings and profiles that provide false, fraudulent, or deceptive

The Community

Content that is off-topic, does not offer any knowledge in response to a question as part of a larger discussion. Trolling or targeting community members repeatedly.


Know more about Onthelease’s Review Policy.

  • Reviews that appears to be bias and contains contents that encourages extortion, incentivisation, conflicts of interest, or direct competition
  • Reviews that are subject to removal contain:
    - no relevant information about an asset Owner or a customer, listing, or rental experience, the review will be removed; or
    - mostly irrelevant information

Custom URLs

More content guidelines apply to the creation of custom URLs. Discover more information from Onthelease’s Custom URL Policy.